Wrap Up Your Year by Giving Yourself Credit

You have sailed through the year! Although you may have weathered some storms, there are still accomplishments you should acknowledge. It’s ok to give yourself credit.

Have Gratitude for Yourself
You are on this persistent – and maybe sometimes rocky – journey to reach your goals and adhere to your vision and mission. Often, we rely on others to validate our accomplishments. Year’s end is a time to take a breath and self-reflect. Look back at what you have accomplished and congratulate yourself for how far you have come.

Consider your year and ask yourself some essential questions:

  • Did I operate within my core values? This is HUGE! If you were able to stay in line with those values you hold close, you are on track. Take a moment to recognize that.
  • Did I move towards my vision? Organizations don’t achieve their vision every year, but did you move closer to it? Are you on the path? That’s what matters.
  • What was my starting point, and where am I now? How did you evolve this year?
  • What worked—and didn’t work—for me this year? Reflect on both your successes and disappointments. Give yourself credit for what you learned in victory AND in defeat.

Recognize, Reward, and No Regrets  
You have now recognized what happened in the past year and can reward yourself. Forgive yourself for the things you didn’t get done, and make a plan to move forward with no regrets.

Be proud of where you are and be enthusiastic about where you’re going. Welcome to 2020!